Wedding & Portrait PhotographerJM PHOTOGRAPHYMinneapolis

Body Positive Boudoir Sessions

I recently had a conversation with a future boudoir client about her session and she told me she felt fat and was going to be getting on the treadmill a lot before her session. I stopped her right in her tracks and said, you are stunning and do not need to over exercise or do anything else before your boudoir photos. As a culture, we are taught not to love our bodies unless they look like some totally unrealistic expectation seen on the cover of magazines.

I’ve even seen certain boudoir photographers in my area that add massive amounts of extensions to every clients head to make their hair all look the same. Then they retouch them to the point of looking like a plastic doll. Now don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying any beautifying is bad. I am a lover of my lash extensions, haha! But, my point is, I don’t want my clients to feel like they all need to look a certain way to fit into some box of what boudoir should be. Boudoir is about loving your body, and embracing your curves!

“Don’t let your mind bully your body.” -June Tomato Wood

The session in today’s post was amazing. J and I had long conversations about what she was going for. Having felt shamed in purity culture for years, she was wanting to break out of that box and love herself in the fullest way.

JM Photography specializes in body positive boudoir photography sessions in Minneapolis, Minnesota. Please email us to set up your session at [email protected]
